SpanglefishDornie and District Community Hall | sitemap | log in



NO SMOKING is permitted in any part of the building.

The hirer/their caterers must have a valid occasional entertainment licence from Highland Council and conditions outlined in the public entertainments licence must be enforced.

If alcohol is to be sold, a valid alcohol licence must be in place.

Illegal drugs are not permitted on the premises and the hirer is obliged to report any breach of this condition to the Police

Payment for the hire is to be prompt and non regular users will be asked to provide a monetary bond prior to hire. This will be arranged by the booking secretary at time of booking.

It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the above terms and conditions are adhered to and that users abide a reasonable code of conduct.

Any organisation dealing with children must have a child protection policy in place and available for viewing by the bookings secretary.

Late cancellation of booking may incur a charge.      



Bookings: The person making the booking, will be considered the person responsible for all matters arising from the hire..

When booking the hall, please confirm which facilities and equipment you wish to use. 

Insurance: Adequate insurance for event/activity must be provided and relevant certificates available to view, if required.

If any activities for children are planned, you must be able to show your child protection policy, if asked.

Kitchen use:  Washing up liquid, dishwasher fluid, general cleaning and floor cleaning products are supplied.                        You must provide your own dish towels and cloths. 

Instruction sheets for equipment use, in blue folder, right hand drawer beside cooker. Please esure you read these before operating equipment.

Note; cooker WILL NOT work without the fan. Ensure adequate water in bains marie to avoid damage, check regularly during use.

Floor cleaning: Brooms and brushes are stored in cupboard at the back of the main hall.                                              Mops and buckets, stored outside the back door, return after use. Colour coded: BLUE– general;  YELLOW – kitchen;  RED –toilets.

Alcohol: If alcohol is to be sold at the function, the committee must be informed of your licencee and provided with a list of all stewards for the event.

Rubbish: It is your responsiblity to remove all rubbish from the premises, this must not be left in bags outside.

Damage: Any breakages or damage must be highlighted to a committee member immediately.

Toilets: Our contract is with Highland Council for public use of the toilets. In the event of closure during normal opening hours, one weeks notice is required. 

If you wish exclusive use of the toilets, please make this known at the time of booking. 

Departure: Times of departure must be strictly adhered to, this ensures the facility is ready for the next user.

All areas must be left in a clean and sanitary condition, all equipment returned to correct storage area.

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